Thursday, February 21, 2013


Kay S. Hymowitz has written a new anti-men book: Manning Up or How the rise of Women has turned men into boys. She postulates that with the surge of women executives and politicians, even combat warriors, that we men should just stay out of the way and go play video games or discuss comic books. All I can say is: "Thanks for all the hard work ladies, Pappy needs new hunting boots"."

The greatest threat to "Liberty and Free Speech" is political correctness."
 "The Media reported this morning that medical research has discovered a "talk" gene in the female brain, which seems to be missing from most male brains. Women are reported to speak 20K words per day and men only 7K words per day. In men this is called the "The Duke" syndrome.
John Wayne advised: "Say few words and mean what you say."
"According to the POTUS, many, many people will die and suffer from the "Sequester."
His quoted numbers are considerably higher, than the number of individuals who have been affected by "gun" related incidents. Therefore, we need "Sequester Control" rather than "Gun Control." Of course with "Sequester Control",a background check would be required. Can you imagine the POTUS or a Congressman/woman submitting to or passing a background check.. I DON'T THINK SO!!"
I was so naive in High School that I would take a date to the drive-in movie and actually watch the film"
President Obama is to speak on the economy and the Sequestration this morning.
There is nothing worse than re-runs this early in the year. . . .

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