A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.
After my death, my hair and nails will continute to grow for three days, my writings, however, will taper off dramatically
I'm not completely worthless. I can be used as a bad example.
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
We don’t need Gun Control, we need Bureaucrat Control
People go to Heaven for climate & to Hell for the conversation - Mark Twain
Man is King of his castle; when the Queen is out of earshot
I have an robotic vacuum/floor sweeper & a robotic pool cleaner, but someone will make a Kazillion dollars when they invent a "robotic" wife
Sooner or later, he who stratles the fence will be singing tenor
The economy has also affected the Amish. Yesterday, I passed one of their carriages being pulled by a Shetland pony
Without the Ethanol subsidy, we can get back to using corn for its God given purpose: Moonshine
I am beginning to wonder if there are more Repulican candidates; than there are Republicans
Politics has become so expensive it takes millions of dollars to "lose" an election
LASTLY: I know I am an old curmudgeon, but bicycles on the streets & highways really scare and irritate me. You may call it "exercise", but I call it a "deathwish"